In the list below are the truck driving schools currently offering instruction. Training facilities will help you prepare for the Class A DMV test and give you the necessary skills and experience to receive your commercial driver’s license in as little as a several weeks.
To get started you will need to receive your CDL permit which will allow you to drive under the guidance of an experience Class A license holder. In addition to taking your Class A license exam there are additional tests given for each endorsement you wish to qualify for.
To learn more about the price of their commercial truck driver training programs, class length, and curriculum, contact the company through the details provided. Often facilities will offer special financing, and help with job placement for those who successfully get a Class A license through their programs.
Truck Driving Schools by U.S State
Truck driving in the U.S can be a rewarding career that can provide steady work and good pay. To qualify to drive in state with a Class A license one must be at least 18 years old. To deliver material out of state one must be 21 years or older. Typically, applicants for a Class A license will need to pass a vision exam, and get a physical health screen to receive a medical certificate to qualify.
The average wage for a truck driver in the U.S is $17.19 per hour. Your salary can vary depending on the type of driving you are doing, your level of experience and the company you work for. Generally, drivers work for between 30k, to 65k a year depending on their performance.It is not uncommon for those who lease, or purchase their own tractor to make much more.
Compensation with depend a lot on the trucking company you work for, your geographic area of operation, and tenure with the company. In addition to regular wages, the majority of drivers receive a wide range of benefits such as medical and dental insurance coverage. Many in the industry have a high level of job satisfaction after they have gone through the training period and settled in with a company.