Truck Driving Schools in Iowa
It is crucial to get an Iowa Commercial Truck License (CDL) before working as a truck driver in this state. We commend that you learn about the federal and state requirements that are needed to be met to make your application process faster. The first requirement that must be met is to be of legal age. To drive in the state, you must be at least 18 years old. If you are 21 years or older, then you will be given a license that allows you to drive interstate. You must have a valid driver’s license at the time of your CDL application.
The second requirement is to check if you are physical and mentally fit. A DOT medical certificate is required to prove that you are fit enough to drive. A DOT certified physician must be the one who will perform the physical examination. All applicants must also have at least 20/40 visual acuity with or without the corrected lenses.
The next step is to submit your medical certification, and proof of identification such as current driver’s license, birth certificate, or social security number. After you pay for the corresponding CDL application fees, you will be allowed to take the written examination. If you pass this exam, you will be given a learner’s permit which will allow you to drive a truck under supervision. Although the state will allow you to take the road test as soon as possible, we suggest that you receive enough practice first. Most applicants enroll in truck driver training programs to help them prepare for the final test.
List of Truck Driving Schools in IA
1-Day CDL
2121 Adventureland Drive,
Altoona, IA
Phone: (515) 577-8470
Des Moines CC Transportation Institute – Ankeny Campus
2006 South Ankeny Boulevard,
Ankeny, IA 50023
Phone: (515) 964-6200 or (800) 362-2127
Fax: (515) 964-6391
Scott Community College
500 Belmont Road,
Bettendorf, IA 52722
Phone: (563) 441-4217
Cedar Rapids
CRST Trucking School
3930 16th Avenue SW,
P.O. Box 68
Cedar Rapids, IA 52406
There is no better way to start on your career as a commercial truck driver than to enroll in CRST International. The company trains its applicants by partnering them with other truck driving schools and paying for the cost of their training. If you qualify for their school, you may get a cost-free training. CRST offers numerous benefits to those who get hired under their program, such as medical, dental, and life insurance policies.
Kirkwood Community College
6301 Kirkwood Boulevard SW,
Cedar Rapids, IA 52406
Phone: (800) 332-2055
Eastern Iowa Community College
306 West Rive Drive,
Davenport, IA 52801
Phone: (800) 462-3255
Des Moines
Des Moines Area Community College
2081 N.E. 54th Avenue,
Des Moines, IA 50313
Phone: (515) 262-1680
Ruan Transportation
3200 Ruan Center, 666 Grand Ave.
Des Moines, IA 50309
Phone: (866) 782-6669
Vatterott College
7000 Fleur Drive,
Des Moines, IA 50321
Phone: (888) 553-6627
Fort Dodge
Iowa Central Community College Transportation Technology Center
1106 South 32nd Street,
Fort Dodge, IA 50501
Phone: (800) 362-2793
Indian Hills Community College
525 Grandview Avenue,
Ottumwa, IA 52501
Phone: (641) 683-5111 or (800) 726-2585
Western Iowa Tech Community College
4647 Stone Avenue,
Sioux, IA 51102
Phone: (712) 274-8733
Hawkeye Community College
6433 Hammond Avenue,
Waterloo, IA 50701
Phone: (319) 296-2320
West Burlington
Southeastern Community College
1500 West Agency Road,
West Burlington, IA 52655
Phone: (319) 208-5382